Workplace impairment caused by drug and/or alcohol abuse costs U.S. employers $81 billion annually, according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc. (NCADD).

At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our Whittier workers’ compensation attorneys know that alcohol and drug use are not the only ways California workers can become impaired, placing themselves and/or their coworkers in danger.

Our Los Angeles County workers’ compensation lawyers know that while employers require chemical testing to detect drugs and alcohol in their employees’ systems after a workplace accident occurs, other, immeasurable factors, can be equally as dangerous.

Here, we explore the dangers of alcohol, opioids, and cannabis, fatigue and certain medical conditions, personal and professional stressors, and mental distress in the workplace.

Indications of Possible Workplace Impairment in California

The National Safety Council (NSC) defines impairment as “the inability to function normally or safely as a result of several factors , from chemical substances, physical factors, social factors, and mental distress.”

Last year, the NSC conducted a national employer survey on impairment and 93% agreed with the expanded definition of impairment, and 52% said impairment is decreasing the safety of their workforce

The following job performance and workplace behaviors may be signs that indicate possible impairment of any kind:

  • Avoidance of friends and colleagues.
  • Blaming others for their own problems and shortcomings.
  • Carelessness, mistakes, or errors in judgment.
  • Complaints about problems at home.
  • Complaints, excuses, and time off for vaguely defined illnesses or family problems.
  • Deterioration in personal appearance or personal hygiene.
  • Disregard for safety for self and others which can contribute to on-the-job and off-the-job accidents.
  • Extended lunch periods and early departures.
  • Frequent financial problems.
  • Inconsistent work quality.
  • Increased absenteeism.
  • Lowered productivity or erratic work patterns.
  • Needless risk taking.
  • Poor concentration and lack of focus.
  • Unexplained disappearances from the job site.

At Hanning & Sacchetto, our workers’ compensation attorneys in Whittier and Arcadia believe our clients deserve to have their complete healthcare needs — not just the workplace injuries that result — covered by their employer’s insurance providers.

When employers provide Employee Assistance Programs that can help their employees identify and treat the origins of workplace impairment, they can increase productivity and decrease workplace accidents.

Contact Our Experienced Workplace Accident Attorneys in Whittier, California

If you have been injured at work due to your or another employee’s impairment and are having trouble collecting the workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to, contact our skilled personal injury attorneys in Whittier & Arcadia, California at Hanning & Sacchetto today by calling (562) 698-6446 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal rights and options to pursue the benefits and overall physical and mental help you deserve to get your life back on track.