Experienced Dog Bite Attorneys in Glendora, California
At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our Glendora dog bite lawyers know that when an animal attacks a person — even when it results in a single bite wound — the outcome can be catastrophic.
Each year, 4.5 million Americans suffer dog bites, and more than half — approximately 2.25 million — of dog bite victims are children. This is important because of the almost 52,000 residents who call Glendora home, nearly 28% of them are under the age of 18.
What is more, when children are attacked by dogs, they are often bitten on their faces, necks, or heads, which can lead to significant injuries that require extended medical care, including surgeries, rehabilitation, and therapy. Tragically, 70% of dog bite attacks that causes death occur in children under the age of 10.
Our Los Angeles County dog bite lawyers have decades of combined experience holding dog owners liable for bites and attacks that occur in California, whether they happen to children or adults. If you or someone you love has been bitten or attacked by a dog, contact our experienced Glendora dog bite lawyers today for help, starting with a free consultation.
Why are Children More Susceptible to Dog Bites and Attacks in California?
The most recognizable reason kids are more susceptible to dog bites is their size, and the inability to escape a dangerous bite or attack scenario. The less obvious reason is that children are acutely unaware of how to read an animal’s body language until it is too late.
This means when a dog exhibits signs like avoiding eye contact, rigidity, or their fur standing up, kids do not pick up on the fact that they are in danger. This can lead to a bite or attack without notice — especially when there is no adult nearby to help.
What is the Dog Bite Law in California?
California is a strict liability dog bite law state, which means the owner of any dog is liable for the damages suffered by any person who was bitten while in a public or private place. This is true even if the dog owner did not know the dog had a propensity to bite someone. If you are bitten by a dog in California, we can help you pursue the dog’s owner for your full financial recovery.
What Happens If I Am Bitten By a Friend or Family Member’s Dog?
Our dog bite attorneys in Glendora understand that 77% of dog bites are inflicted by a family member or friend’s pet. This can become a significant issue when it is time to hold the pet owner liable for the costs associated with dog bite injuries.
According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average cost per insurance claim for a dog bite was $64,555 last year — a 32% increase compared with the prior year. In total, an estimated $1.13 billion was paid out by insurance companies because of dog bite incidents last year.
This is important, especially when dealing with a close friend, family member, or neighbor’s dog. Partnering with our Glendora dog bite lawyers can help you avoid a complicated conversation, or damage to your personal relationship, by allowing us to communicate directly with the insurance company. This removes both parties from the equation and allows us to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.
The bottom line is that your injuries are going to require medical care, and the costs should be absorbed by the negligent dog owner, whether it is a family member, friend, or neighbor. We can help pursue your claim, which will give you the time you need to heal, without worrying about facing the owner yourself.
How Can I Afford a Glendora Dog Bite Attorney?
At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our dog bite lawyers in Glendora know that when you or your child experiences a personal injury, life changes dramatically. Medical bills, time away from work, and out-of-pocket expenses can significantly harm your financial well-being.
The physical, emotional, and financial stress of a dog bite injury can make the expense of hiring a California personal injury attorney can be overwhelming.
The good news is, our Glendora dog bite attorneys work solely on a contingency basis. This means we do not get paid unless and until we win your case. We never charge any set-up, document, or administrative fees, and we will never make more money on your case than you do. That is a promise.
Our Glendora Injury Law Firm also focus on the following practice areas:
Contact Our Dog Bite Lawyers in Glendora, California For Help Today
If you or your child has been bitten by a dog in California, contact our Glendora dog bite lawyers today at (626) 869-2298 or online to schedule a free consultation. We provide the experienced legal representation you need to seek the best financial outcome available for your case. Call us now to learn more about our process, and our promises.