Pomona Workers' Compensation Attorney

At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our aggressive workers’ compensation lawyers in Pomona, California provide trustworthy representation that allows our injured clients to retain more of their financial recovery once we obtain a successful outcome for their cases.

Our Pomona workers’ compensation attorneys law firm never charges administrative fees, filing fees, document subpoena fees, or investigative fees. Our top-notch representation delivers an inclusive approach to pursuing optimal financial results, so our clients can fully recover from their injuries. And if we do not win your case, you owe us nothing. Our Los Angeles County and Pomona workers’ compensation attorneys deliver positive results for employees who are hurt at work and deserve the best workers’ compensation outcome available for their unique case.

Common Causes Of Pomona, California Workers’ Compensation Injuries

Workers Comp attorney in Irvine

Getting hurt at work can happen to anyone, anywhere, no matter their position, or the company they work for. That’s why California’s workers’ compensation laws require that all employers who have one or more employees carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees in case of an injury.

Under our no-fault California’s workers’ compensation laws, employees do not have to prove that their employer was negligent in any way, or at fault, for the injury the individual sustained while at work.

Workers’ compensation claims can be filed from:  

  • Physical injuries caused by:
      • Slip, trip, and fall accidents
      • Unsafe machinery
      • Excessive noise causing hearing loss
      • Vision loss caused by debris. projectiles, or welding and other tools
      • Crushing by or against an object
      • Fires that cause burn injuries
      • Electrocutions
      • Vehicle accidents
  • Chemical injuries caused by toxic:
      • Gases
      • Fumes
      • Vapors
      • Liquids
      • Dust
      • Mold
  • Ergonomic injuries caused by:
  • Poorly designed equipment or workstations
  • Manual handling duties
  • Repetitive movements

Workplace accidents result from serious circumstances that can leave our clients severely hurt and requiring long-term medical care that can leave them too injured to work while requiring long-term rehabilitation to fully recover. And our Pomona workers’ compensation lawyer want to help each injured person pursue the benefits they deserve to ensure the best outcome available.

What Employer Coverage Is Required From California Workers’ Compensation Laws?

In addition to California workers’ compensation laws requiring that all employers carry workers’ compensation coverage at all times, there are additional policy obligations that must be met.

They include:

  • All benefits outlined in the company’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage must cover all employees, including non-legal residents and part-time workers
  • No employee can be required to pay into or contribute to their workers’ compensation policies to offset the costs associated with the coverage
  • No employer can punish, fire, or effectively disrupt the employment of any employee who files a workers’ compensation claim

In return for workers’ compensation coverage, employees are:

  • Entitled to receive swift and effective medical treatment for any illnesses or injuries that occurred at work
  • Prevented from suing the employer for damages that result from the accident and its injuries

What Benefits Are Available To Workers’ Compensation Injury Victims In Pomona, California?

Whether your injury occurred during a single event or is the result of long-term, repeated exposure to chemicals or repetitive motions from daily work movements that accumulate over time, you are entitled to the benefits that meet your injury’s needs.

Those benefits can include, but are not limited to:

  • Short- and long-term medical care costs, including prescriptions, medical devices, and rehabilitation services
  • Current and future lost wages when the employee is unable to work because of your injuries
  • Work reassignment when necessary to accommodate injuries
  • Vouchers to retrain or educate the injured person for a new position when their injuries keep them from returning to their previous position

The expenses that are associated with an employee’s physical and emotional care can be costly. When our clients cannot work because of their injuries, stress from their lost income and the emotional toll physical injuries take can cause serious setbacks to their personal and professional lives. Our Pomona workers’ compensation attorneys want to help provide a positive approach to delivering results without delay by pursuing an aggressive workers’ compensation claim against their employer.

Why Should I Hire Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP As My Workers’ Compensation Attorneys?

Pomona, California workers’ compensation claims are complex and require an accomplished approach to pursuing the care and compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Workers’ compensation laws have stringent paperwork requirements and strict deadlines that must be met to reach a successful outcome. At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our experienced Whittier workers’ compensation attorneys provide clear direction, easy to understand processes and an elite approach to delivering a successful outcome for your unique injury and circumstances.

Our accomplished legal representation will ensure there are no delays in pursuing your workers’ compensation claim, so you are not wrongly denied the benefits you deserve. Our Pomona workers’ compensation lawyer will aggressively counter the insurance company’s stalling tactics or possible intimidation methods that are often displayed by their corporate attorneys who are focused on denying your financial recovery.

At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our Pomona workers’ compensation attorneys focus on providing solutions for our clients, so they can concentrate on their overall physical recovery, limiting their stress and emotional harm while we focus on financial solutions.

Our Pomona, California personal injury practice areas include :

Have You Been Hurt At Work? Contact Our Pomona, California Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Today

If you have been hurt at work, contact our Pomona, California workers’ compensation lawyers at Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, today by calling (562) 469-5442 to learn how our office can pursue the best outcome available for your injuries. Our Pomona personal injury law firm work tirelessly to ensure your overall medical and financial needs are a top priority as we build a successful case on your behalf. Contact our Pomona workers’ compensation lawyers to schedule a free consultation today, so you can focus on your complete recovery without delay.