At Hanning & Sacchetto, our personal injury attorneys in Whittier are looking forward to returning to a bit of normalcy this summer, as COVID-19 restrictions begin to relax throughout California.

That means creating a safety plan that will help us avoid auto accidents and other personal injuries that are common with the summer season’s road trips, vacations, or just another day at the beach.

Summer Safety Tip #1: Avoiding Potentially Dangerous Car Accidents

This summer is certain to invite more California drivers onto our roadways, as travel destinations throughout the state are welcoming visitors with open arms.

Unfortunately, vacation and holiday travel also increase your chances of being injured in a car accident. In fact, most fatal vehicle collisions occur between June and September.

While you cannot control other drivers’ behaviors behind the wheel, you can keep yourself and your family as safe as possible by:

  • Having your car professionally serviced before a long road trip to ensure it is in proper running order before you go.
  • Staying alert behind the wheel and taking breaks if your attention starts to drift from the task of driving.
  • Watching for distracted drivers or pedestrians, to avoid a collision when possible.

If you are injured while on the road, be sure to record the other driver’s license, registration, and insurance information, take pictures of the crash site, vehicles, and your injuries, and seek medical care right away.

Summer Safety Tip #2: Staying Safe Outside of Your Vehicle

Avoiding auto accidents during a road trip is just the start of staying safe this summer.

Once you arrive at your destination, additional safety precautions can help protect yourself and those around you throughout your trip.

Practice water safety:

  • Never leave children unattended near pools, lakes, or the ocean.
  • Never swim while intoxicated, or when it is dark.
  • Never allow running or horseplay on potentially slippery surfaces, like pool decks, hotel lobbies, elevators, or stairs.

Summer Safety Tip #3: Staying Safe While Bicycling

Summertime is perfect for bicycling alone or with the family. Whether you are bicycling in your neighborhood, or have taken your bikes on vacation with you, there are a few tips to help keep everyone safe while riding.

Practice bicycle safety:

  • Check the bicycle’s tires, brakes, and other components before each ride.
  • Adjust your bicycle seat to fit your height.
  • Wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet.
  • Wear bright colors, reflective tape, or flashing lights while riding, so motorists can see.
  • Watch for and avoid road hazards.
  • Avoid riding at night.
  • Go with the traffic flow.
  • Obey all traffic laws.
  • Yield to traffic when appropriate.
  • Look before turning.
  • Watch for parked cars.

Summer Safety Tip #4: Staying Safe While Interacting with Dogs

Dogs are a big part of many families, so it is not uncommon for owners to take their dogs with them everywhere they go, including on walks, to lunch, and even on vacation.

While it is the dog owner’s responsibility to ensure their pets are on a leash, behind a fence, or in their home to maintain public safety, those interacting with dogs can help remain safe from dog bites using the following tips.

  • Do not enter a dog’s territory without permission.
  • Do not touch or pet a dog without the owner’s permission.
  • Do not pet or disrupt sleeping dogs.
  • Leave dogs alone when they are eating.
  • Stay away from tired, sick, or injured dogs
  • Never tease a dog.
  • Keep your face away from the dog’s face.
  • Steer clear of dogs with puppies, as the mother will be very protective.

Most of all, enjoy the freedom to travel again, and stay safe this summer!

If you have been hurt by the negligent actions or inactions of another driver, business owner, or reckless individual while on vacation, contact our experienced Los Angeles County personal injury attorneys at Hanning & Sacchetto today by calling (562) 698-6446 to learn how we can pursue the financial recovery you are entitled to from the liable party.