At Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP, our Whittier auto accident attorneys know all too well how cellphone use impacts a driver’s ability to focus on the task at hand: Driving.

Using a cellphone while driving is not only dangerous, but also illegal in California — and has been since 2017.

The hands-free law in California states, “you cannot use a cellphone or similar electronic communication device while holding it in your hand. You can only use it in a hands-free manner, such as speakerphone or voice commands, but never while holding it.”

Ultimately, the safety pitch has been that hands-free devices are safer because they enable drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.

A new study is turning that belief on its head. Here is what California drivers need to know.

“A Driver Could Suffer Up to 27 Seconds of Distracted Driving Using a Hands-Free or Voice-Activated Device”

The American Safety Council reported a study from the AAA Foundation that found drivers using hands-free devices, which include voice-activated systems, were mentally distracted for up to 15 seconds after completing a task, let alone during.

Potentially, a driver could suffer up to 27 seconds of distracted driving using a hands-free or voice-activated device. At just 25 mph, it is the equivalent of driving the length of three football fields blindfolded.

These results were consistent even when one of the 257 drivers in the study was using the device at a red light or other lulls in traffic.

What is a Safe Alternative?

As revealed by the AAA study, any method of phone use while behind the wheel is equally dangerous — whether you are holding the phone or not — as the negligence and mental distraction that involves conducting two activities at the same time can place lives in danger.

Our Los Angeles County car accident lawyers know that the only way to avoid distracted driving is to remove the distraction altogether. Place your phone on “Do Not Disturb” while operating your vehicle, and focus on driving, so you — and everyone else on the road — can make it to where they are going safely.

Driving provides the perfect opportunity to unplug. Take advantage of it.

Have You Been Injured in a Crash with a Distracted Driver in California?

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a collision with a distracted or otherwise negligent driver in California, contact our skilled personal injury attorneys in Whittier at Hanning & Sacchetto today by calling (562) 698-6446 to schedule a free consultation today.