An early-morning rollover crash has taken the life of one man. The rollover crash is an example of the deadliness of all types of automobile accidents, which can be caused by driver error, automobile failure, or roadway conditions. Learn more about rollover accidents below, and contact a seasoned personal injury lawyer if you’ve been injured in a truck or rollover accident in southern California.

Crash along local freeway interchange east of Los Angeles

The recent accident occurred in Ontario, California shortly before 4:00 am one Sunday morning. A 40-year-old Riverside man driving a Nissan Maxima traveling along the I-15 North entered the on-ramp to the I-10 East. Along the transition road, his vehicle rolled over multiple times. The man was thrown from his vehicle as his car careened into an embankment and landed on its roof. The driver was transported by emergency personnel to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, where he was declared dead roughly an hour after the accident occurred.

Rollover crashes are one of the deadliest forms of accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that rollover crashes are a form of accident that is among the most likely to result in a fatality. Rollovers are responsible for an average of 33% of all fatal accidents across the US annually. Drivers often assume that only taller vehicles with higher centers of gravity are susceptible to rollover crashes, but as is clear from the accident described above, any vehicle can roll over under certain conditions.

The term “tripping” is used to describe the most common cause of rollover accidents. Tripping occurs when a portion of the vehicle’s tires ride over uneven or loose terrain, such as a pothole or gravel, or the tires lose contact with the road for other reasons, knocking the vehicle off-balance. If the vehicle’s tires don’t regain contact with the road quickly, the vehicle can roll over. Rollovers can result from a vehicle taking a turn or curve in the road at too fast a speed. Poor vehicle design can also contribute to rollover accidents where the vehicle base is too narrow to support the height of the vehicle. Another cause of rollover accidents is poor road conditions. When local government entities fail to maintain the road in a safe condition, such as by posting signage indicating the need to take curves at an appropriate speed or by repairing dangerous potholes, these entities may bear responsibility for drivers’ injuries in rollover crashes. Speak with an attorney if you believe you’ve been wrongfully injured in a rollover accident.

For assistance in filing a claim for money damages after a Southern California rollover crash, contact the knowledgeable and seasoned Arcadia & Whittier personal injury lawyers at Hanning & Sacchetto, LLP for a free consultation at 562-698-6446.